Birgalikda tez-tez so'rang
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
Allen Bredli 81000-199-51-R kuchlanishli aloqa kengashi
Sotuvchi: ABB
ABB DSCA 180A 57520001-GY RCOM aloqa protsessori
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
1715-IB16D | Allen-Bredli | 16 kanalli raqamli kirish moduli
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
1606-XLS240E | Allen-Bredli | Elektr ta'minoti birligi
100% Genuine Stock, 24/7 Service
Mahsulot turi: Terminal bazasi
Ishlab chiqaruvchi: Allen-Bradley (Rockwell Automation)
- Series: XM Series, aylanuvchi mexanizmlarni kuzatish va himoya qilish uchun ishlatiladi
Texnik xususiyatlari:
- Moslik: Barcha 1440 seriyali o'lchash modullari bilan mos keladi
- Olchamlari: Odatda 98,4 mm x 95,3 mm x 57,2 mm
- Harorat diapazoni: -20°C dan +65°C gacha
- Quvvat manbai: 2-sinf quvvat manbai, 21,6 - 26,4 VDC talab qiladi
- Vintli qisqich bazasi: Turli terminal nuqtalari uchun xavfsiz va ishonchli ulanishlarni ta'minlaydi
- O'zaro bog'lanish: Kengaytirish modullarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun asosiy quvvat (maksimal 3 A), DeviceNet protokoli va quvvatni (maksimal 300 mA) o'tkazadi
- Atrof-muhit dizayni: Turli xil harorat va namlik darajalarini o'z ichiga olgan turli xil atrof-muhit sharoitlarida samarali ishlash uchun yaratilgan.
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Topbrands PLC Limited is a top supplier of genuine new PLC and DCS parts, serving over 50 countries globally. We offer high-quality products from renowned brands like Bently Nevada, Honeywell, ABB, and more. With our warehouse in China stocking up to 30,000 pieces, we ensure rapid delivery to meet urgent order needs while maintaining competitive pricing to save our customers' budgets. Learn more...
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- TEL: +86 180 3027 3592