Birgalikda tez-tez so'rang
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
Allen-Bradley 1756-CNB ControlLogix aloqa adapter moduli
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
Allen Bradley 1757-SRM tizimining ortiqcha moduli
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
1756-OX8I | Allen Bredli | Izolyatsiya qilingan aloqa moduli
Sotuvchi: Allen-Bradley
1786-RPFM | Allen-Bredli | ControlNet modulli takrorlagich o'rta masofali tolali modul
100% Genuine Stock, 24/7 Service
- Ishlab chiqaruvchi : Allen-Bradley
- Mahsulot raqami : 1797-PS1E
- Mahsulot turi: Flex Ex quvvat manbai
Texnik xususiyatlari
- Kirish kuchlanish diapazoni : 85-253 VAC
- Kirish chastotasi : 47-63 Hz
- Joriy iste'mol : 0,9 A
- Chiqish quvvati : har bir chiqish uchun 8,5 Vt
- Chiqishlar soni: 4
- Keng kuchlanish diapazoni: Turli xil kirish kuchlanishlarini o'z ichiga oladi, bu uni turli sanoat muhitlari uchun ko'p qirrali qiladi.
- To'rtta chiqish: Har biri 8,5 Vt quvvatga ega to'rtta chiqishni ta'minlaydi va ishonchli quvvat taqsimotini ta'minlaydi.
- Ixcham dizayn: Sanoat inshootlaridagi cheklangan joylarga samarali mos keladi.
- Yuqori ishonchlilik: mustahkam himoya xususiyatlariga ega xavfli muhitda foydalanish uchun javob beradi.
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Topbrands PLC Limited is a top supplier of genuine new PLC and DCS parts, serving over 50 countries globally. We offer high-quality products from renowned brands like Bently Nevada, Honeywell, ABB, and more. With our warehouse in China stocking up to 30,000 pieces, we ensure rapid delivery to meet urgent order needs while maintaining competitive pricing to save our customers' budgets. Learn more...
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