Umumiy ma'lumot
Ishlab chiqaruvchi: GE Multilin
Mahsulot raqami: 469-P5-HI-A20-T
Mahsulot turi: 469 Dvigatelni boshqarish relesi
Elektr va funktsional spetsifikatsiyalar
Fazali oqim kirishlari: P5 = 5 A fazali KT ikkinchi darajali
Boshqarish quvvati: Salom =
Analog chiqishlar: A20 = 4 - 20 mA analog chiqishlar
Atrof-muhit sharoitlari
Ishlash harorati: -40 ° C dan + 60 ° C gacha
Atrof muhitdagi saqlash harorati: -40 ° C dan + 80 ° C gacha
Atrofdagi yuk tashish harorati: -40 ° C dan + 80 ° C gacha
Namlik: gacha 95% (kondensatsiyalanmagan) @ 55°C
Ifloslanish darajasi: 2
Himoya va jismoniy xususiyatlar
Topbrands PLC Limited is a top supplier of genuine new PLC and DCS parts, serving over 50 countries globally. We offer high-quality products from renowned brands like Bently Nevada, Honeywell, ABB, and more. With our warehouse in China stocking up to 30,000 pieces, we ensure rapid delivery to meet urgent order needs while maintaining competitive pricing to save our customers' budgets. Learn more...
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