Birgalikda tez-tez so'rang
Sotuvchi: Honeywell
Honeywell FC-TSHART-1620m analog kirish moduli
Sotuvchi: Honeywell
Honeywell TC-PRR021 C200 tarmoq va maxsus kiritish/chiqarish moduli
Sotuvchi: Honeywell
51309288-275 | Honeywell | TK-PRR021 ortiqcha modul
Sotuvchi: Honeywell
Honeywell 51197593-100 almashtirish lityum batareyasi
100% Genuine Stock, 24/7 Service
900PSM-0001 Quvvat manbai moduli sanoat avtomatlashtirish tizimlari uchun, xususan ControlEdge HC900 Controller uchun ishonchli quvvat manbasini taqdim etadi. U uzluksiz ishlashni ta'minlaydigan qiyin sharoitlarda samarali ishlash uchun mo'ljallangan.
Texnik xususiyatlari
- Chiqish kuchlanishi : 24V DC
- Chiqish quvvati: 60W
- Kirish kuchlanishi: 100-240V AC (Universal AC quvvat manbai)
- Ishlash harorati diapazoni: -40°C dan +70°C gacha (-40°F dan +158°F gacha)
- Nisbiy namlik: 0-95% kondensatsiyalanmagan
- Yuqori ishonchlilik: Muhim tizimlarning uzluksiz ishlashini ta'minlash uchun barqaror elektr ta'minotini ta'minlaydi.
- Ko'p qirralilik: Turli xil atrof-muhit sharoitlariga ega bo'lgan turli sanoat sharoitlari uchun mo'ljallangan.
- Oddiy o'rnatish: Tez va oson o'rnatish uchun plagin-and-play sozlamalari mavjud.
- Energiya samaradorligi: Energiya sarfini minimallashtirish bilan birga optimal quvvat samaradorligini ta'minlaydi.
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Topbrands PLC Limited is a top supplier of genuine new PLC and DCS parts, serving over 50 countries globally. We offer high-quality products from renowned brands like Bently Nevada, Honeywell, ABB, and more. With our warehouse in China stocking up to 30,000 pieces, we ensure rapid delivery to meet urgent order needs while maintaining competitive pricing to save our customers' budgets. Learn more...
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- TEL: +86 180 3027 3592